Wednesday, August 6, 2014

World 6 Collectibles

This level requires you have a source of red, blue, and green in the area. If you're struggling to find some, I've got you covered with this awesome artwork. Since it's a bit large, go to this link to access it.

Collectible 1/3
(5 to the right of initial area)

Hold Square and keep focusing on just a red color until the first platform goes all the way down, then focus on just a green color until the middle platform goes all the way up, then focus on just a blue color until the right platform goes all the way down. By then, everything should be in place for the collectible to show up.

Collectible 2/3
(10 to the right of initial area)

The way this puzzle works is: pressing O summons a rolling enemy, firing a shot that doesn't hit an enemy makes the horizontal platform move, and hitting an enemy makes the right platform move. The left platform depends on how many enemies are on the screen.

To unlock the collectible, start by firing 3 shots to orient the horizontal platform properly. Then start pressing O to summon enemies and shoot each one ONCE before they fall off the platform. Once you've shot 4 enemies once and have 5 enemies on the screen, the collectible will show up.
To obtain it, reset the puzzle with Triangle, press O to summon an enemy, then kill it. Fall down and activate the ring beside the platform. Keep shooting to fully extend the horizontal platform, then press O to warp. Activate the ring to the very right, then just keeping using O to raise the left column to 4/5 so you can reach the collectible.

Collectible 3/3
(13 to the right of initial area, the very last area)

Start by jumping twice to summon two enemies, then go to where they're at and hit each of them once. Don't kill them otherwise you'll have to restart. Press O twice and fire 5 shots to unlock the final collectible! Enjoy your gold trophy!

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